KARACHI:14th August,2009-AS the Pakistani nation is celebrating country’s 63rd Independence Day today with traditional zeal and enthusiasm across the country, Karachi the,largest city o Pakistan became origion of celebration,offering of special prayers in the mosques for the progress and prosperity of motherland and the well being of the nation. At sounding of sirens at 7:58 am, the traffic came to a halt for two-minutes and citizens observed silence, as the national anthem was played.There was a change of guards at the mausoleum of Quaid-e-Azam in Karachi. The cadets of the Pakistan Naval Academy mounted the guard duty at the mausoleum of the Father of the Nation Muhammad Ali Jinnah. A flag-hoisting ceremony was also held at the mazar of Quaid-i-Azam.Seminars, conferences, lectures, debates, book exhibitions, quiz competitions, Qir’at, Naat Khawani competitions, musical shows and mushairas will be held in a bid to promote national unity, integrity and solidarity. Government and private buildings have been illuminated . People decorated their homes and buildings with national flags, banners, lightings, paintings and balloons, particularly in green and white colors.
Yesterday night,great celebrations were held at 90-head quarters of MQM. The whole area was enlighten by green and golden lights,Fire works, national songs,lighting,free tea,people dancing over national songs and waving national as well as MQM flags ,children wearing green decorated special dresses, car and motor cycle rellies were the high lights of the ocassion.
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